Jesus is coming.

The birth of Jesus, announced to Mary in Luke 1:26-38, is one of the most profound moments in Scripture. The angel Gabriel's visit to a young, humble woman in Nazareth, with the astonishing news that she would bear the Son of God, marks the beginning of God’s redemptive plan coming to fruition. For you and me, this passage offers timeless lessons in faith, humility, and the willingness to trust God’s plan, even when it disrupts our expectations.

A Message of Grace
Gabriel’s first words to Mary, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” (v. 28), emphasize that God’s grace is the foundation of this story. Mary, an ordinary girl from a small town, is chosen to play an extraordinary role in God’s plan of salvation. She is “favored” not because of her accomplishments but because of God’s gracious choice.  God always chooses people who will trust Him and depend on Him fully and Mary was one of those people.

This theme of grace resonates with us today. We often feel inadequate or unworthy to be used by God. Yet, the story of Mary reminds us that God does not choose based on human standards of success or importance. He chooses ordinary, humble, and willing people like you and me. Our challenge is to embrace God’s grace and believe He can use us, no matter how unqualified we feel.  

Faith in the Face of Fear
Mary’s initial reaction to the angel’s message is fear and confusion. The angel reassures her with the promise of God’s presence and the declaration that her child will be great, “the Son of the Most High” (v. 32). Despite the bewildering nature of the announcement, Mary listens and trusts.  This moment teaches us about the nature of faith. Mary’s life was about to be turned upside down. Her betrothal to Joseph would be complicated by a pregnancy she could not explain. This could have led to public disgrace or worse in her cultural context. Yet, despite the fear and uncertainty, Mary’s response is a model of faith: “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (v. 38).

Today, we often face situations where God’s calling leads us into uncomfortable or challenging circumstances. Faith means trusting in God’s plan, even when we cannot see how things will work. Mary’s example challenges us to surrender our fears and step forward in faith, confident that God is with us.

So What?

Mary’s response to the angel’s message offers several application points for our lives:

Trusting In The Impossible:  Like Mary, we are often called to step into uncertain or daunting situations. Whether it’s a new job, a difficult relationship, a life-changing diagnosis, or a challenging ministry, we are invited to trust that what is impossible for man is possible for God.

Belief Beyond Understanding:  God’s ways are different than our ways.  We might not always know His ways and reasons, but we can always count on His Word.  Never forget the Angel's encouragement to Mary:  no word from God ever fails.  It was true for her and is true for us today. God always delivers on His promises - Christmas is proof!

Fully Surrendered to God’s Plan:  When the Angel announced God's plan to save the world, Mary declared, "I am the Lord's servant."  She surrendered her life to the Lord - to be used by Him.  Her example challenges us to trust God for the impossible, believe beyond our understanding, and submit wholly to the Lord.  This means we obey God, even when it costs something.  Chose to obey because God’s plan is best and greater than our fears.

In a world of uncertainty, the story of Mary and the birth of Jesus reminds us to trust God’s plan, embrace His grace, and step forward in faith. Just as He worked through Mary to bring about the greatest story ever told, He continues to work through us today.