Growing in Godliness

Have you considered what it will take for you to grow spiritually? Whether you have known Jesus for weeks or decades, God still desires growth from us and in us. But what does that look like? In simple terms, what do I need to do to grow spiritually?

Well, let's turn to 2 Peter 1:5-8. 

2 Peter 1:5-8 is a powerful passage that outlines the progression of spiritual growth from a new life in Christ to a fruitful life in Christ. These verses serve as a roadmap, guiding us toward spiritual growth and maturity.

The Foundation of Faith
Verse 5 begins with the exhortation to add to our faith. Because this book was written to the church, the presupposition was that everyone put their faith in Christ. But don't miss it: faith is the cornerstone of our relationship with God. It is by faith alone in Christ alone that we are saved. This faith is not static but dynamic, demanding active participation in our spiritual growth. Never forget: Growth begins with an encounter with Jesus, but it doesn't end there.

Goodness and Knowledge
Peter urges believers to add to their faith with goodness, which refers to moral excellence and integrity. When we put our faith in Jesus, we rid ourselves of the old. We throw off the sin that hinders us. We stop doing the "bad" and start doing the "good" because a life of virtue reflects the character of Christ and is a testimony to those around us. To virtue, we are to add knowledge, a deep and practical understanding of God’s Word. Knowledge enables us to discern God’s will and apply biblical principles to our decisions. This is essential because, with the knowledge of God's Word, we see all the changes God desires in our lives. Knowing God's Word, we move past "good or bad" and toward Godliness.

Self-Control and Perseverance
Self-control, the next virtue, is mastering our desires and impulses and aligning them with God’s will. This discipline is vital for maintaining purity and staying true to our commitments. Here's an uncomfortable truth: everything we learn new from God's Word will require new levels of self-control in our lives. Coupled with self-control is perseverance, the ability to endure hardships and remain steadfast in our faith. Perseverance ensures that we don’t give up when faced with trials but continue to trust in God’s timing and purposes. Life change isn't a quick, overnight occurrence. That's why self-control with perseverance is essential to grow spiritually.

Godliness and Brotherly Kindness
When we live Biblically informed lives with self-control, we finally get to where we want to be. We become Godly. Godliness, a reverence for God, shapes our attitude and actions, ensuring that we live in a way that honors Him. Godly people live to please and serve Him, and that's why "Godliness" isn't God's end game for you and me. From godliness flows brotherly kindness, which is love and care for our fellow believers. This kindness fosters a supportive and loving Christian community where we bear one another's burdens. When Godliness influences and informs our relationships, we show our love for God and people. 

Culminating in Love
Finally, Peter concludes with love, the highest virtue, encompassing all the others. Love reflects God’s nature and commands. It motivates our actions and transforms our relationships, making us true ambassadors of Christ. As we walk with the Lord, never forget that the defining factor of a disciple isn't their lifestyle, knowledge of Scripture, or faith. Jesus said that all men will know we are His disciples if we love one another.

Intentional Growth: Spiritual growth requires intentional effort. Peter’s list is a call to action, reminding us that faith is just the beginning of our journey. Each virtue builds on the other, leading to a maturing Christian faith. So, join God in the work He is doing by doing the work to grow spiritually.

Fruitful Living:  Peter emphasizes that possessing these qualities in increasing measure keeps us from being ineffective and unproductive in our knowledge of Jesus. Our growth should result in visible fruit, impacting our lives and those around us.

Do you want to be fruitful and faithful in your relationship with God? We all do. Live what you've learned in 2 Peter 1, and you will see it happen. God will grow you as you join His work in you!

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