Feb 12

Feb 12: Jealousy

Bible Story: Exodus 20:17, Genesis 37:1-11
Big Idea: We’re not jealous.
Leader Context:
God commands His people not to want other people’s stuff. Joseph’s brothers are jealous because their dad likes Joseph best and gives Joseph a fancy coat. Plus, Joseph brags about dreams in which his brothers bow to him. Of all the Ten Commandments, this one describes what feels most like a harmless, inward emotion...not a sin. And yet God gave this commandment because He knew the harm that can come in our own hearts when we’re jealous. In the case of Joseph’s brothers, jealousy can lead to breaking other commandments, like lying or hurting others. Use this lesson to talk to your kids about the dangers of jealousy.

Leader Devotional

Small Group Plans

Younger IK Groups - PreK - 1st Grade
Older IK Groups - 2nd - 5th Grade