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The Sincere One
July 15th, 2024
Nathaniel, also known as Bartholomew, is a lesser-known yet significant figure among Jesus' disciples. His story, primarily found in the Gospel of John, offers valuable insights into the nature of faith, the recognition of truth, and the transformative power of an encounter with Christ.Nathaniel's introduction in the Bible occurs in John 1:43-51. He is first mentioned when Philip, another disciple...
The One With a Big Heart
July 15th, 2024
The story of Lydia, a significant yet often overlooked figure in the Bible, is found in Acts 16:11-15. Lydia's brief but impactful teach us much about early Christian faith, hospitality, and the role of women in the spread of Christianity.Lydia was a businesswoman from Thyatira, a city renowned for its purple dye. This detail suggests she was likely affluent and well-connected, as purple dye was a...
The One Jesus Loved
July 7th, 2024
In the Bible, the phrase "the one Jesus loved" refers to the disciple John, also known as John the Apostle or John the Evangelist. John is mentioned in several key moments throughout the New Testament, particularly in the Gospel of John and in the book of Revelation. His relationship with Jesus provides profound insights and lessons that resonate with you and me today.John was one of the twelve ap...
It's Just a Phase - Celebrate It
July 2nd, 2024
From the Parent Cue You know how it is: Your kid makes one change and it seems to throw your family’s whole world into a tailspin. Whether the shift is big or small, those changes are usually not without big feelings—for them, yes, but for you, too—along with alterations to your family’s dynamic, how your kids interact with others, and the way they seem themselves. (And we’re not even going to tal...
The One with Wisdom
July 2nd, 2024
Wisdom is something that we all need but not everyone has it.  It's more that knowledge.  It's different that experience.  It's not limited those who are older.   Wisdom is a gift from God that is available to everyone who seeks it and is committed to living it.  These are some of the truths we learn from James, the one with great wisdom.James was Jesus' half brother and his life was changed when ...
Summer Screen Time
June 20th, 2024
From the Parent Cue. Many parents have an interesting relationship with technology.  We’re both grateful for the moments of peace technology affords us and worried that our kids are becoming addicted to screens. iPads and laptops are everywhere, and for parents who want to limit their kids’ screen time, it can be difficult to find a healthy balance…especially during the summer months when many par...
The One Who Notices
May 28th, 2024
Often overshadowed by his more prominent brother, Peter, Andrew plays a significant role in the Gospels. While glimpses into his life are brief, they offer valuable lessons for us as we navigate faith in a complex world.THE SEEKER AND THE CONNECTORAndrew, a fisherman from Bethsaida, first appears alongside John the Baptist [John 1:35-42]. He readily identifies Jesus as the Messiah and brings his b...
The One Who Is Like Us
May 28th, 2024
When it comes to the disciples, no one loomed larger than Simon Peter, the impulsive fisherman-turned-apostle whose journey with Jesus is marked by both remarkable faith and profound failure. Peter's story serves as a reminder of the transformative power of redemption and the unwavering grace of God, inviting modern believers to embrace forgiveness and continue following Jesus despite our failures...
The One Who Waits
May 28th, 2024
In the Gospel of Luke, Anna emerges as a beacon of patience and faithfulness, her story woven into the fabric of our redemption and God’s divine promise. Though her presence in the scriptures is brief, Anna's unwavering devotion and steadfastness in waiting on God offer profound insights for us today as we navigate a life that sometimes, many times, requires waiting.Anna's story is told in the Gos...
2 Timothy 4 Fight the Good Fight
May 20th, 2024
Feeling disconnected from your faith in a world obsessed with busyness and instant gratification? Does the idea of living a Christ-centered life seem daunting in today's fast-paced society? You're not alone. 2 Timothy 4, a powerful letter from the Apostle Paul to his young protégé Timothy, offers a timeless message of perseverance and purpose that resonates deeply even today.The Finish Line in Sig...
2 Timothy 3: Fully Convinced
May 13th, 2024
Does everyone seem to chase after the next "thing," while genuine faith gets pushed to the sidelines? Do you feel challenged to stay devoted to the right things?  You're not alone. Second Timothy 3, a letter from the Apostle Paul to his protégé Timothy, offers a surprisingly relevant glimpse into today's challenges.Recognizing the "Last Days" Mentality (3:1-5):  Paul warns Timothy about the "last ...
2 Timothy 2: Strong in the Grace
May 6th, 2024
Feeling overwhelmed by the noise and challenges of your day? Does following Christ seem daunting in a world that often prioritizes comfort and self-interest? 2 Timothy 2, a letter from the Apostle Paul to his young protégé Timothy, offers a battle plan for building a resilient faith in the face of adversity.The Call to Be Strong (2:1):  Paul opens with a powerful directive: "You then, my son, be s...
2 Timothy 1 Fan the Flame
April 29th, 2024
Feeling like your faith is flickering in the face of life's challenges? You're not alone. Second Timothy 1 opens a powerful letter from the Apostle Paul to his young protégé Timothy, offering a needed message for our day.Written near the end of Paul's ministry, this passage isn't just a pep talk for a friend; it's a battle cry for anyone seeking to reignite their faith in a world that often seems ...
2 Timothy A Survival Guide
April 22nd, 2024
Feeling overwhelmed by the noise of the world? Does the constant barrage of information and conflicting opinions leave you unsure of where to stand as a Christian?  Welcome to the club.  Second Timothy, a letter from the Apostle Paul to his young protégé Timothy, might have been written nearly 2,000 years ago, but it speaks volumes to the challenges we face today.Facing the "Great Falling Away" (2...
Calm My Anxious Mind
April 11th, 2024
On Sunday, I kicked off a new teaching series focused on mental health and the mind shifts we can make based on the Word of God to live happier, healthier, God-honoring lives.   I began with a look at Philippians 4 as Paul taught us how to find peace even when we feel anxious.PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7  6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, p...
Vanquish the Lies with Truth
April 10th, 2024
Recently, a member of our Port Lavaca family, Sue Wingfield, shared this list of things that God says are true about you, me, and every believer in Jesus.  As you deal with negative thoughts and destructive thought patterns, use these truths to help you test and retrain your thoughts.MY DADDY SAYS:I am loved beyond all understanding. (1 John 4:7-11)Nothing can separate me from the love of God. (Ro...
Why Easter Matters for Parents
March 28th, 2024
From The Parent Cue Easter is about a lot of things.  It’s about Jesus keeping His promises. Jesus told the disciples He would leave and then come back, and when Peter, John, and Mary went to the tomb and saw it was empty, and later saw Jesus alive, they knew Jesus could be trusted because He did what He said He would do. And because of that example—and many more—we know we can trust Jesus, too.  ...
Die to Self
March 18th, 2024
On Sunday, I challenged the church to take their next step as a disciple of Jesus because I believe Jesus calls every believer to be a disciple.  Our call to follow Him personally and to follow Him fully is just as real as His call to the men on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.  I unpacked on of the paradoxes of following Jesus on Sunday as the path to growing as a disciple.  What was the paradox...
When Trust is Broken
March 12th, 2024
Trust is hard to build and all too easy to break.  When trust is broken, the feelings of hurt, betrayal, and potential loss are real.  That's why we all need to be ready to choose to trust again.  But how do you do it?Give yourself time and space to heal.  Broken people break things so fight the urge to respond in anger seeking revenge.  Take the teaching of Proverbs 19:11 to heart:  "A person’s w...
5 People Not to Trust
March 7th, 2024
On Sunday, I taught one of the counterintuitive truths on trust.   Here it is:  If you are trusting God, there are some people you shouldn't trust. God's Word gives us trustworthiness tests so that we know who to trust with what.   If we trust the wrong people, trouble is soon to follow.Read it for yourself in Proverbs 25:19 19 Like a broken tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in a ...