The place where young adults do life
and serve jesus together.
Parkway Young Adults is a gathering place for young adults. At PYA, we worship together, encourage one another in groups, and we serve throughout our church and community.

What We Do
Parkway Young Adults is a gathering place for young adults. Join us for a time of worship, learning, and coffee.
Doors open at 6:30 PM and the service begins at 7:00 PM at Parkway Victoria on Tuesdays. PYA meets in Parkway Port Lavaca on Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
Doors open at 6:30 PM and the service begins at 7:00 PM at Parkway Victoria on Tuesdays. PYA meets in Parkway Port Lavaca on Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
small groups
We have small groups for young adults where we encourage each other to live for Jesus. In a Young Adults small group, you will get to know 8-12 people, study God's Word, pray and do life together. We have groups meeting in Victoria and Port Lavaca.

Connection Night
Young adulthood is full of burning questions- “what’s next for me?”, “am I succeeding in life?”, “is this what I should be pursuing?”, as well as many more. Everyone seemingly has that one burning question in their mind that they can’t shake. If we don’t have the answers to our current questions then it’s easy to become stagnant as the answer seems “to be determined”. However, we have to decide something- do we wait for the determining answer in order to be faithful, or do we decide to be faithful and faithfully active now as we wait for the answer?
Join us on January 26, at 6:30 at Parkway Victoria, for a night of worship, hearing from God’s Word, and community!
Join us on January 26, at 6:30 at Parkway Victoria, for a night of worship, hearing from God’s Word, and community!
serve jesus
in the Church and in the Community
Young Adults use their gifts and abilities to serve Jesus throughout the church. Whether you are serving with Students, Children, in the Cafe or Worship Team, there is a place for you to make a difference at Parkway.

next steps gathering
Throughout the Year
Join us for dinner to discover more about your next steps in your journey with Jesus. At the Next Steps gathering, you will discover how you can connect to the church, grow in your faith, and serve as God has gifted you. Dinner is on us and we have ministries for kids of all ages at Parkway Victoria. This gathering is required to join Parkway Church.
Get Involved
Get involved with all that Parkway has to offer. Check out our groups and upcoming events.
next steps for young adults
Read the Bible
Reading your Bible is essential to take your next steps with Jesus. Check out our Bible reading plans and get started today.
Get Baptized
After believing, your next step is to go public with your faith through baptism. When believers are baptized, they demonstrate the new life they have in Jesus. We encourage everyone who has believed in Jesus to show it by getting baptized. We baptize the last Sunday of every month at each location. RSVP for Baptism.
Connect to a Group
Groups are where we build relationships and encourage one another to follow Jesus. We have a group for everyone - even you. Through a small group (8 to 12 people) you get get the chance to make friends, learn together, and have people to do life with.
Find a Place to Serve
Finding your place to serve is a key step to grow as Christ followers. You can serve Jesus through the church in a variety of ways both behind the scenes and with people. We also partner with may local organizations through which you can make a difference.
Love and Follow Jesus
As believers grow and serve, we encourage them to continue to connect in a small group along with personal Bible reading. We also hope that everyone will worship and obey Jesus in such a way that they live their faith and trust Jesus with everything.

Brooks Bynum
Director of Young Adults