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Living for More than Today

As we kicked off the What Would Jesus Undo series, we discovered an important principle.  My choices today result in outcomes tomorrow.  We see this in our day-to-day lives.  What we eat today (choice) hits our hips tomorrow (outcome).  What we budget for today (choice) gets spent tomorrow (outcome).  What we study today (choice) produces success tomorrow (outcome).  In Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus applied this same principle to our spiritual lives.   He teaches us to do things today that result in blessings tomorrow.  We do things for Him and with Him today because we want to honor Him and live the blessed life.

We may look silly for a season but we honor God today so that we live a blessed life tomorrow.  We are humble today.  We live self-controlled lives today.  We grieve and mourn today.  We live pure lives today.  We face persecution and don't shrink back today.  We do this (and more) even looking forward to and expecting a blessing tomorrow.

Blessed tomorrow based on what I do today.
Blessed tomorrow if I let God work in me today.
Blessed tomorrow if I don’t live for today.

Know that living for more than today is radical.  Many say that want it, but few are ready for it because most people live in the moment chasing happy.  Rather than looking at a blessed tomorrow, we find things that make us happy today.  The problem with this is that happiness is pursuit that never fulfills and never ends.  That's because happiness is schizophrenic as Andy Stanley says.  In Matthew 5, Jesus offers us a better path forward than just chasing happy.  He says "follow me" and I will give you the blessed life.

Living for more than today requires us to actually do the will of God in our lives.  Living for the moment leaves us in charge.   Living for more than today requires that we live the will of God.  That's because the decisions of our life determine the direction and the destination of our live.  We can't just intend to be Godly.  We must take steps to live out His will.  Intentions don't determine our destination.  Intentions don't change a thing, but intentional living does.

Living for more than today hinges on selling out to Jesus.  No excuses.  No hesitation.  No justifications.  No limits.  Live for Him.  Sell out for Jesus.  Follow Him first and always.  Don't let the good things in life replace the best thing in life.  Live for more than today by living for Jesus!
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