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8 Ways You Can Serve Others Today

The church isn't closed it is deployed.  That's why you and I should actively be looking for ways to serve others and to meet needs in the name of Jesus.  Check out these 8 ways that you can serve others in meaningful, safe ways.
  1. Pray with someone you've never prayed with before. Could it be a family member, co-worker, friend, or neighbor?

  2. Give to someone in need. Christ Kitchen needs to go plates every day. Food Bank and VCAM need donations to care for those in need.

  3. Serve someone. Groceries for friends or neighbor dropped at door. Amazon small gift, food delivered to someone near or far, hand written card or note/colored picture.

  4. Encourage someone who is hurting. Everyone feels something right now, share something you use to help you get through the moments.

  5. Post something about your faith. Scripture, worship song, chat in church online, what is God showing you right now?

  6. Invite someone to church online.

  7. Pray for someone outside your normal circle. Join the Parkway prayer team/ASK prayer team

  8. Contact 10 people. 10 people you haven't talk to recently. 10 kids from your group. 10 people you are missing.
Need help getting started?  Connect with Julie.
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