This Sunday, the big takeaway from John 13 was "serving is better than being served." Jesus set this example for us as He got up from the table and washed His disciple's feet - even Judas'. John told us two powerfully important things about Jesus in this passage. First, Jesus loved His followers to the very end. Second, He had all things under His authority. These two qualities of Jesus' life drive us to the question: How does Jesus show His love? How did Jesus express His authority? Read the passage and it can't be missed. He served.
Jesus tells us that we will be blessed if we do the same. If we love people, do the hard work of serving, and don't give up then we will be blessed and we will see a harvest for our work. I know that we are all tired and not just tired. We are COVID tired. 6 months of every stress imaginable is exhausting, yet we are called to endure and persevere because Jesus served us by not only setting the perfect example but also by giving His life for us. He endured the cross so that we can be His and so that we can follow His example.
As I was saying goodbye to people, I had a friend thank me for the challenging, inspiring message and that he was going to look for ways to "wash feet" at the plant. What does that look like? How do we serve rather than being served at home, at work, and in the church?
First, we ask the question. What is needed from me today? What can only I provide for my family, for my workplace and my church? This is the heart of servant leadership. I am here to make your life, your job, and our community more meaningful and easier. I'm here to make sure that you have what you need rather than just making sure you are doing what I need.
Second, look beyond the task and to the person and serve them because they are loved by God. This won't always be easy and it might not always be appropriate to say, "I love you, man." but you can always live love. Like Jesus commanded in John 13:35. Love is what sets you apart. Love that sees a need and meets a need no matter what is what we do to "wash feet" ast work, at home, and in our church.
Third, be an under rower. I remember the first time I heard Lon teach what I taught on being an under rower for Jesus. I was so inspired because, like you, I want to be one who advances the work of God around me. I want to be used by God and know that my life is making a meaningful impact. How does that happen? Be an under rower. Be chained to the work of God and follow the leadership of the Lord Jesus. There is work that you do that only God will see. Do it anyway. There is work that won't pay off today, but it will pay benefits in the long run so do it anyway, today.
So, what's your mission for today? Wash so feet and live the truth that serving is better than being served.
Jesus tells us that we will be blessed if we do the same. If we love people, do the hard work of serving, and don't give up then we will be blessed and we will see a harvest for our work. I know that we are all tired and not just tired. We are COVID tired. 6 months of every stress imaginable is exhausting, yet we are called to endure and persevere because Jesus served us by not only setting the perfect example but also by giving His life for us. He endured the cross so that we can be His and so that we can follow His example.
As I was saying goodbye to people, I had a friend thank me for the challenging, inspiring message and that he was going to look for ways to "wash feet" at the plant. What does that look like? How do we serve rather than being served at home, at work, and in the church?
First, we ask the question. What is needed from me today? What can only I provide for my family, for my workplace and my church? This is the heart of servant leadership. I am here to make your life, your job, and our community more meaningful and easier. I'm here to make sure that you have what you need rather than just making sure you are doing what I need.
Second, look beyond the task and to the person and serve them because they are loved by God. This won't always be easy and it might not always be appropriate to say, "I love you, man." but you can always live love. Like Jesus commanded in John 13:35. Love is what sets you apart. Love that sees a need and meets a need no matter what is what we do to "wash feet" ast work, at home, and in our church.
Third, be an under rower. I remember the first time I heard Lon teach what I taught on being an under rower for Jesus. I was so inspired because, like you, I want to be one who advances the work of God around me. I want to be used by God and know that my life is making a meaningful impact. How does that happen? Be an under rower. Be chained to the work of God and follow the leadership of the Lord Jesus. There is work that you do that only God will see. Do it anyway. There is work that won't pay off today, but it will pay benefits in the long run so do it anyway, today.
So, what's your mission for today? Wash so feet and live the truth that serving is better than being served.
Posted in Growth Resources