Faith on Mission

God’s grace is greater than my parenting mistakes.  Proverbs 19:21

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.”  John 3:16

  • What do we learn about God and ourselves from this verse?  (God loves us and we need His grace.)
  • What did God do to show His love for us?  (He gave His Son.)
  • Why do we pack shoeboxes with Operation Christmas Child? (We give like God gave so that boys, girls, and families can believe in Jesus.)
  • What is your favorite thing about participating in Operation Christmas Child?
  • If you have packed before, where did your boxes go?  What can you learn about this area and what Samaritan’s Purse is doing to spread the gospel in that area?
  • How can we prepare to love more people through Operation Christmas Child?
  • How is our family going to participate in Operation Christmas Child this year? (packing party, boxes, donating supplies, volunteering time to help the team, go to the Processing Center)

How did you answer these questions?  Did everyone get a vote?  What is keeping you from stepping out in faith to serve God through this ministry?  Make a plan as a family.  Everyone can do one simple thing to be part of this ministry.  If you need help finding the best fit for your family, reach out to your campus leaders and they will help you find a way to connect.
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