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Fix Your Focus

In Luke 10, Jesus joined His friends Mary and Martha for a dinner party. This meal took preparation and one sister, Martha, was doing all of the work. Watching her sister just sit at the feet of Jesus frustrated her and stressed her out beyond belief. So much so that she cried out to Jesus and asked if Jesus was going to do anything about it. Jesus didn't command Mary to get to work instead, He corrected Martha.

She was focused on the many things which were adding to her stress and frustration while her sister chose what was better - Him. Jesus celebrated Mary's singular focus on Him. Why get stressed about supper when you can focus on the Savior?

The lesson for you and me is clear. We can allow the demands of life and the pressures of the world to cause us to be stressed out and frustrated or we can fix our focus on Him and let the anxieties of our hearts melt away in His presence.  

When we fix our focus on Jesus, peace is not only possible but possible no matter what we are facing because Jesus will never be taken away from us.  

  • Fix your focus on who Jesus is. He is your Savior and the Lord of all. Worship Him to never forget who He is.
  • Fix your focus on what Jesus can do. All things are possible for Him so pray for His will to be done.
  • Fix your focus on what Jesus has promised. He will never leave us or forsake us so we walk faithfully to Him and His Word.

Fixing your focus is a moment-by-moment decision so commit in your heart to see Him and not your stressors.
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