Our battle is an unseen one with very seen consequences. My battles aren’t with people I see but with evil forces at work in our world. That's why the exiles in Daniel never attacked. They never even defended themselves. Why? They knew what Paul would later teach in Ephesians 6.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. EPHESIANS 6:12-13
Our battle is an unseen one with very seen consequences so we must stand with COMPASSIONATE CONVICTION. The evil influence of our world is only hurting those it’s influencing. We must respond with COMPASSION. Sin multiples and worsens with every generation so we must have CLEAR CONVICTIONS. The most loving thing we can do is to know and live our convictions in a way that doesn’t attack but helps the hurting.
Fight Spiritual Battles with Spiritual Means: keep reading Ephesians 6 and put on your full armor of God The armor of God provides protection from the influence of this age and an offensive weapon against this age - God’s Word. Daniel and his exiled friends show us how to fight battles with spiritual means. They lived their convictions. They worshiped God first and only. Daniel’s devotion wasn’t something he created for the moment, but something that was his custom - his way of living.
We must resist relativism and we must resist from a position of worship, devotion, and commitment. This is standing strong in the Spirit. If we stand strong in the flesh, we will fail. If we stand strong in the Spirit, protected and properly engaged then we will have and experience victory. Here’s why:
Our only hope isn’t this cultural moment. Our only hope is our living hope in the living Lord Jesus. We have hope because we know who is by our side and who wins in the end. This is a hope that no philosophy, ideology, or political party can provide or remove from our lives.
We are not fighting a CULTURE WAR. We are part of a SPIRITUAL BATTLE!
Fight Spiritual Battles with Spiritual Tools: Jesus taught us to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves (Matthew 10:16). Jesus was sending His followers out to the wolves and he required two things - wisdom and gentleness. If we attack people to defeat an idea, philosophy, or world view then we have lost the battle. Yeah but…things have changed. Nope. If the truth of the Word of God never changes then the standard by which we treat people never changes, either.
We never use the ENEMY’S TOOLS when ON MISSION WITH JESUS. If we are going to stand up FOR JESUS then we must stand up LIKE JESUS.
We never give others ammo to accuse us of wrong by the way we treat them. Daniel and his friends never dishonored the kings or those who were in authority over them. They lived their quiet gentle lives and everyone saw their Godliness and felt their influence.
Fight Spiritual Battles with Spiritual Tactics: Peter teaches us how to win with spiritual tactics in 1 Peter 3:15: But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. Standing strong begins with our reverence for the Lord and extends to how we treat people and point them to the hope we have in the Lord Jesus. How do we do it? With Gentleness and Respect. This is how we win the battle and the war. Revere Christ, share hope, and love people
We aren’t trying to win an ARGUMENT. We are trying to win someone to CHRIST and to HIS WAY OF LIVING.
As we stand strong, never forget that we are part of an unseen battle that has some very seen consequences. So, we stand strong not with the tools and tactics of the world but with the devotion, reverence, and commitment that come from our relationship with Jesus.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. EPHESIANS 6:12-13
Our battle is an unseen one with very seen consequences so we must stand with COMPASSIONATE CONVICTION. The evil influence of our world is only hurting those it’s influencing. We must respond with COMPASSION. Sin multiples and worsens with every generation so we must have CLEAR CONVICTIONS. The most loving thing we can do is to know and live our convictions in a way that doesn’t attack but helps the hurting.
Fight Spiritual Battles with Spiritual Means: keep reading Ephesians 6 and put on your full armor of God The armor of God provides protection from the influence of this age and an offensive weapon against this age - God’s Word. Daniel and his exiled friends show us how to fight battles with spiritual means. They lived their convictions. They worshiped God first and only. Daniel’s devotion wasn’t something he created for the moment, but something that was his custom - his way of living.
We must resist relativism and we must resist from a position of worship, devotion, and commitment. This is standing strong in the Spirit. If we stand strong in the flesh, we will fail. If we stand strong in the Spirit, protected and properly engaged then we will have and experience victory. Here’s why:
Our only hope isn’t this cultural moment. Our only hope is our living hope in the living Lord Jesus. We have hope because we know who is by our side and who wins in the end. This is a hope that no philosophy, ideology, or political party can provide or remove from our lives.
We are not fighting a CULTURE WAR. We are part of a SPIRITUAL BATTLE!
Fight Spiritual Battles with Spiritual Tools: Jesus taught us to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves (Matthew 10:16). Jesus was sending His followers out to the wolves and he required two things - wisdom and gentleness. If we attack people to defeat an idea, philosophy, or world view then we have lost the battle. Yeah but…things have changed. Nope. If the truth of the Word of God never changes then the standard by which we treat people never changes, either.
We never use the ENEMY’S TOOLS when ON MISSION WITH JESUS. If we are going to stand up FOR JESUS then we must stand up LIKE JESUS.
We never give others ammo to accuse us of wrong by the way we treat them. Daniel and his friends never dishonored the kings or those who were in authority over them. They lived their quiet gentle lives and everyone saw their Godliness and felt their influence.
Fight Spiritual Battles with Spiritual Tactics: Peter teaches us how to win with spiritual tactics in 1 Peter 3:15: But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. Standing strong begins with our reverence for the Lord and extends to how we treat people and point them to the hope we have in the Lord Jesus. How do we do it? With Gentleness and Respect. This is how we win the battle and the war. Revere Christ, share hope, and love people
We aren’t trying to win an ARGUMENT. We are trying to win someone to CHRIST and to HIS WAY OF LIVING.
As we stand strong, never forget that we are part of an unseen battle that has some very seen consequences. So, we stand strong not with the tools and tactics of the world but with the devotion, reverence, and commitment that come from our relationship with Jesus.