Acts 13:36 says that David served God's purposes and then he died. For such a dynamic, event filled life, it's summed up so simply. David served God's purpose then he went to be with God. David's life serves as an example of how to live for God's purpose on purpose.
- Shepherd and Leader: David began as a humble shepherd, and God chose him to be king over Israel. His leadership skills were nurtured in the fields, and he later led the nation with courage and wisdom.
Living Your Purpose: No lesson was wasted on David. The skills and character that were developed in David carried him to God’s next step for Him. If we are God to live God’s purpose for the long haul, we must learn daily from God’s Word and our experiences both good and bad. - Worship and Psalms: David's deep relationship with God was expressed through his heartfelt songs of worship and his creation of many Psalms. His poetic outpourings conveyed his devotion, struggles, and praises, continuing to inspire believers to connect with God through music and prayer.
Living Your Purpose: David was so in love with God that he couldn’t contain it. He had to express His love for God through his actions - singing, dancing, praying, obeying, and more. As we discover and live our purpose, we do so because we love God and can’t keep from expressing it.
- Repentance and Humility: David was a man after God’s own heart, but he was far from perfect. Despite his failures, David's genuine repentance after his sin with Bathsheba revealed his humility and desire to remain aligned with God's will. His example teaches us the significance of seeking forgiveness and striving for righteousness even in moments of moral weakness.
Living Your Purpose: When you sin, don’t hide it. Don’t try to cover it up. If you do, sin will spread and only cause more problems. Instead, remember that Jesus is your Savior and Lord. Remember like David did that you can always turn to God for His boundless mercy and grace.
Posted in David