A Life of Worship

David's love for and worship of God is beautifully evident in his Psalms, where he pours out his heart in praise, lament, and adoration.  He bares his soul before God, but David’s love for God isn’t limited to private moments with Him.  David worshipped God with great passion and great devotion and he wanted others to do the same.  Discover how you can live a life of worship to honor God.

In 2 Samuel 6, recognizing the significance of the Ark as a symbol of God's presence among His people, David is driven by a passionate desire to bring it to Jerusalem. With great reverence, he organizes a procession to transport the Ark, a journey marked by dancing, singing, and jubilation that showcases David's unrestrained worship and deep connection to God.

As the Ark is brought to Jerusalem, David's humility and joy shine through his willingness to cast aside his royal garments and dance with exuberance before the Lord. This authentic display of worship signifies the sincerity of His devotion and unwavering commitment to honoring God's presence above all else.

Not everyone who saw the king worshiping was happy with what they saw.

Take David's wife Michal for example.  She chastised Him and told Him that He should never be so undignified.  Her disdain for his unrestrained worship highlights the contrast between David's wholehearted adoration and the worldly perspective that fails to grasp the depth of his spiritual connection.  She was looking at outward appearances but God looks at the heart.
Listen to how David corrects Michal.  21 David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel—I will celebrate before the Lord. 22 I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.”  2 SAMUEL 6:21-22

What do we learn from David’s worship?

My worship Isn’t for those around me, but for God. When we worship, we aren’t performing for a crowd, our focus is on the Lord alone.  We don’t worship to impress others or to show off our righteousness, but to please and honor God.  God chose us so we worship Him!  Our worship is marked by a profound respect for an awe of God.

My worship is my response to God for who He Is and all He has done.  David worshiped God for all that He had done and for all that He would do in the days to come.  His great love for God couldn’t be contained.  It had to be expressed.  Because God had worked in Him, He worshipped God unashamedly.  He didn’t put limits on his worship and would take it even future as God worked.  This teaches us that true worship is a sincere and authentic expression of our love for God, transcending concerns about how we might appear to others.
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