The Path Back

Through the story of David and Bathsheba,   we learn from the failures of David that there is always a path home to the Lord.  That path back is confession and repentance.  That God gives us a way back no matter what we have done and no matter how far we have drifted is such good news.

May the truths that we learn from David's sin, drive deep into your heart and life as you live with a heart after God's heart.

  1. We are all prone to wander.  Because we all stray from righteousness and struggle with sinfulness, we must check our hearts, confess our sin, and seek forgiveness from God.
  2. God’s mercy and forgiveness are limitless.  Even in the face of grievous sins, God is boundless in mercy and willing to forgive.
  3. Spiritual renewal and right living are always possible.  Repentance is how we return to the right path and experience the transforming power of God’s grace.

In Psalm 51, David even tells us how to return to the Lord following failure by doing what he died.  One year, after his sin with Bathsheba, David inspired by God penned this Psalm to celebrate God's mercy and to teach others how to return to Him.  If you haven't read it recently, take a moment to read Psalm 51.  Use the Psalm as a road map to confess and repent.

From the Psalm, we learn to:

  • Thank God for His boundless mercy and unfailing love.
  • Move from regret repentance to repentance by confessing our sins specifically to the Lord knowing that He cleanses us of all unrighteousness. [1 John 1:9]
  • Repent by committing to living differently and sharing what God has done in you.  Repentance always requires a change - heart, mind, actions.  Commit your ways wholly to Him and ask Him for the courage and endurance to do and keep doing the right thing.

The Bible teaches that God's mercies are new every day so, keep returning to the Lord with confession, repentance, and trust in Him.  If you do, you will see victory in the areas that you struggle in and you will experience the joy of your salvation as you witness the Lord's work!

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