Surely Goodness and Mercy

On Sunday, I wrapped up our study of Psalm 23 with one of the most encouraging verses in all of Scripture.  David summed up all of God’s care, concern, leadership, and protection in Psalm 23:6 when he penned.

PSALM 23:6 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord. Forever.  

There are a few words that jump out from this single verse.

Surely:  I am certain that.  David was 100% sure of God's goodness and love in His life.  God's goodness and love aren't to be questioned.  It's to be counted on!

Follow Me:   The Hebrew verb really means “to pursue.” God is actively pursuing us with His grace and His lovingkindness. What a God! He’s not in hiding. He is always seeking out His children.  He is not lagging back.  He is actively pursuing us.

Forever:  Jesus is the only way to a full, forever relationship with God.  What David looked forward to by faith, God would send a Messiah, we know by faith.  God sent Jesus and Jesus gave His life so that we can be with Him forever.  A look to forever also reminds us that what we know in part, we will one day know in whole.  Currently, we live in a sin-broken world, but one day God will make every wrong right, wipe away every tear, and prove His goodness once and for all.  Forever reminds me that today isn’t the end of the story.

What do we learn from Psalm 23:6?  Simply put, I am certain that God pursues me with His goodness and love every day of my life, and one day I will dwell with Him forever because of His goodness and love!

His goodness and love save us.  His goodness and love provide for us.  His goodness and love secure us for the days ahead and for all of eternity!

I pray that we will all be encouraged by God's great goodness and mercy.
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