Feb 5

Feb 5: Lying

Bible Story: Exodus 20:16, Acts 5:1-11
Big Idea: We don’t lie.
Leader Context:
God commands His people not to lie. When Ananias and Sapphira sell their property, they lie about how much money they sell it for so they can keep some money but make it seem like they gave it all. Both of them are caught in the lie and die suddenly. Lying has a lot of gray areas for kids. What if I don’t technically lie, but I lead someone to believe an untruth? What about if lying spares someone’s feelings? What if I just leave out the truth? All of these are questions may come up from kids, and you have the opportunity to show how much God values truth.

Leader Devotional

Small Group Plans

Younger IK Groups - PreK - 1st Grade
Older IK Groups - 2nd - 5th Grade