
What if sharing the Gospel wasn't something we did but the way that we lived?

As we go about our day to day lives, God opens doors and provides opportunities for us to live our convictions and share our faith.  Take advantage of these resources to be ready to lead others to a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Build a Relationship and Share Your Story

Experience the joy of helping a friend believe in Jesus.

Not all of our friends who don’t yet know Jesus are in the exact same place, and the Five Thresholds give us an understanding of how people grow toward Jesus.    Typically, people move from distrust to trust, from complacent to curious, from being closed to change in their lives to being open, from meandering to seeking, and becoming a believer.

#1  Build a Trusting Relationship 
#2  Become Curious About the Faith
#3  Be Open to Change 
#4  Seeking After God
#5  Beginning a Relationship with God

making evangelism personal

People have questions and need hope. We have that Answer and that Hope; His name is Jesus! But how can we best share Him with those who so desperately need His presence? By making evangelism personal.   Start this 6 day Bible reading plan now.

Family Activities, Discussion Starters, & Coloring Pages

Lead your family to discuss and discover how you can live to share the Gospel with others. 

Summer of Serving

This Summer, we are serving to share the love and message of Jesus.  There are serving opportunities for all ages and life stages.

Share Your Story
and the Gospel

The gospel is the good news, the message about Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Use these prompts to share the gospel with others.

Everyday evangelism

Start a small group or lead your family to learn how to live unashamed of the Gospel.  The Everyday Evangelism content is great for families with kids middle school and older.

unashamed messages

Week One:  Identify Your One

Week Two:  Build a Trusting Relationship

Week Three:  See Jesus in You

Week Four:  Be an Every Day Evangelist