What to Do Concerned About Kid's New Friend Group

From the Parent Cue
Your kid is going through about a million-and-one changes in the middle school phase. So much is changing about them so quickly that it can seem like nothing is ever the same from one day to the next.

One day they love basketball, the next they don’t.
One day their voice is normal, the next it’s cracking. 
One day their friend group is amazing, the next it’s completely fractured.

In fact, that last one can be a pretty big deal for middle schoolers. Friends and friend groups are shifting at a pace so rapid, it can be hard to keep up with.

Maybe your middle schooler’s friend groups are changing constantly.
Maybe you’re noticing your kid using different language, showing interest in different hobbies, or wanting to go new places—all because of the influence of a new friend. 
Maybe your kid is meeting new friends who you don’t know yet. In fact, you don’t know their parents either. 
Maybe you found them using words or talking about topics that surprised you (or to be honest, scared you) with their friend group online or in person.

The reality is that while a shift in friends can be a great thing for your middle schooler, it can also come with a lot of reasons to worry. But because they’re in a season of so much change, new friends are bound to come and go. So, here are three important things to remember when helping your middle schoolers navigate friendships.