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Posts with the category “family-discipleship”

It's Just a Phase - Celebrate It
July 2nd, 2024
From the Parent Cue You know how it is: Your kid makes one change and it seems to throw your family’s whole world into a tailspin. Whether the shift is big or small, those changes are usually not with...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Kids & Love
February 15th, 2024
from the Parent Cue Talking to my kids about love scares me. Love feels like such a massive, important topic and I’m afraid I’ll mess it up. My kids are eight and three—how can I distill the grand con...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
7 Scheduling Hacks for Busy Families
September 18th, 2023
If you’re like most people, the calm—sometimes too calm—days of summer have rapidly been replaced by the full—sometimes too full—days of school, sports, and normal life. Enter: the seven hacks we al...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
5 After School Conversation Starters
August 12th, 2023
From the Parent Cue. Us parents long to have a deep connection with our kids, but it’s difficult when the majority of their answers to questions are simply, “Fine.” But we can’t let their short respon...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How to Set Your Family's Values
August 7th, 2023
From The Parent Cue Blog Every family has a rhythm. For some families, morning is crazy.Dinner may happen all together, or you may have one parent who works at night. Or sports or other activities may...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Let Them See Your Faith
July 31st, 2023
From The Parent Cue Blog As a kid, do you remember a moment when you realized that grown-ups were real people? Maybe it was standing around the grill with your dad and his friends, or listening to you...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Communicating at Every Phase
July 24th, 2023
One of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in your parenting is learn how to communicate with your kid. Communication in and of itself has never been easy, but add an age gap, youthful angst, an...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Parenting Ahead
May 4th, 2023
In the immediate timeframe, certain day-to-day parenting decisions may seem insignificant, but what we do in the early years matters. Being intentional, however, requires keeping the long view in mind...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
5 Ways to Use Technology with Your Teenager
February 16th, 2023
There are ways to use technology with your kid that enhance meaningful connections instead of replacing them. Here are a few ideas. ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
3 Everyday Moments
July 25th, 2022
From Christian Parents I will never forget holding my precious, beautiful daughter in my arms and tearfully confessing to my friend, “I think I’m a bad mom.” At that moment, I meant it with my entire ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
3 Character Qualities that Set Your Kids Up for Success
July 14th, 2022
From Christian Parenting Like most well-intentioned parents, Dave and I have high hopes for our boys.  We want our sons to grow up to be good men, productive, stable, and successful. So we teach them ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Better Boundaries
May 23rd, 2022
We all need better boundaries so that we live in healthy relationships.  That was the big takeaway from my message yesterday.    It is time to break the bad habit of codependent relationships.   The g...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Warning Signs of Anxiety or Depression in Kids
April 26th, 2022
from The Parent Cue As adults, it can be easy to assume that kids, particularly younger ones, have nothing to fear, worry, or be sad about. After all, childhood is known for being the most innocent an...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Children
April 5th, 2022
From re|engage I’ve been on staff at Watermark Community Church working with students (grades 6-12) for 18 years. In that time, I have observed hundreds of students navigate adolescence and grow into ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Is My Child Addicted to Technology?
March 22nd, 2022
From The Parent Cue We live in a digital world. Laptops. Tablets. Smartphones. Smart TVs. There are so many devices that occupy our kids’ attention. Controlling screen time is an ever-present task for...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
6 Ways to Help Your Middle Schooler Build a Positive Body Image
March 16th, 2022
From The Parent Cue I remember the first time I became super aware of the way I looked. It was my first middle school dance, and, as an eighth grader, this was a pretty big deal. I had waited my entir...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
New Normal
January 10th, 2022
One of the phrases that we all grew tired of during the early days of the COVID-19 crisis was the “new normal.”  With all of the changes, cancellations, and closures, some spoke as though things would...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
3 Easy Steps to Building Better Relationships
January 1st, 2022
If you’re anything like me, you often face a classic conundrum when it comes to how you’ll spend your time, asking: “Should I prioritize the important or the urgent?”And, ya know, if you’re like me, u...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Christmas Reading Plans
November 30th, 2021
Tuck the story of Christmas deep in your heart and lead your family to do the same by worshiping with us this December and by reading the story of Christmas in the Bible. ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Moms Can Make Disciples
November 16th, 2021
From Desiring God After I had my first child, and all the more after I had my second, I wondered if I would be done with ministry until my kids grew up. I wondered how I could possibly fit another tas...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How to Have a Mental Health Check-in With Your Teen or Preteen
November 5th, 2021
From the Parent Cue Is your teen or tween behaving more differently than usual? I know, this probably seems like a trick question. The emphasis is on the word more. For example, has your usually uber-...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
The Best Way to Communicate with Your Kid in Every Phase
October 30th, 2021
One of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in your parenting is learn how to communicate with your kid. Communication in and of itself has never been easy, but add an age gap, youthful angst, an...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How to Find the Right Routine as a Solo Parent
October 5th, 2021
“Daddy” is my favorite name, and being daddy is the most rewarding position I have in my life. But a little over a year ago, after my wife lost her battle to breast cancer, I became “mommy” as well, a...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Sometimes We Need to Hear What We’re Doing Right
September 28th, 2021
Yes, kids need correcting. But on this day, I began to understand two things: Sometimes the heart needs to hear what it’s doing right. And, correcting is better received in small doses....  Read More
by Mike Hurt
The Important Role Grandparents Play
September 21st, 2021
More and more, I’m met with the fact that parenting isn’t a formula, and every kid is very different. I can’t expect my adult children to parent their kids exactly the way I parented them. So, as a gr...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Why Time Away Might Not Fix Your Stress
September 14th, 2021
From the Parent Cue Let me guess. You feel like you really need to de-stress.Of course you do…you’re a parent.Pretty much every parent I talk to is tired. Well, more than just tired. Stressed. Deeply ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How to Help Your 6th Grader Navigate Junior High Drama
September 12th, 2021
Put any sixth-grade class up against the latest hit reality show and you’ve got yourself a real contest. Help your preteen tone things down a bit—and maybe even enjoy life a whole lot more—with these ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
5 Things All 1st Graders Have in Common
August 8th, 2021
Enter a room full of six- and seven-year-olds and you’re bound to spot one thing right away: the cute little gaps of kids who whistle while they talk. Forget calling it first grade. This is the Missin...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Creating Empathy in Elementary Kids
August 8th, 2021
People of all ages have feelings and we want our kids to respect and honor those feelings. After all, empathy informs how our kids interact with the world at large—especially as they grow. We can beg...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Advice for New Dads
July 5th, 2021
From the Parent Cue I was 28 when I found out I was going to be a dad.  Back then, I still thought I had what it took to be a rock star, even more so a dad.  (And to be clear, I had absolutely no idea...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
5 Ways to Work Through Sibling Rivalry
June 28th, 2021
From the Parent Cue Like with most things in parenting, we’re better off if we tackle problems proactively rather than waiting around for them to pop up again. That’s why the first four items we’ll di...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
What to Do Concerned About Kid's New Friend Group
June 28th, 2021
From the Parent Cue Your kid is going through about a million-and-one changes in the middle school phase. So much is changing about them so quickly that it can seem like nothing is ever the same from ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Dealing with Anxiety when Your Teenager Gets Their License
June 9th, 2021
Your teen is all excited. After months of training and meeting all the state requirements, they passed their driver’s license test. After the appropriate social media posts declaring their good news, ...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How to Survive Your Preschooler's Tough Questions
June 2nd, 2021
From the Parent Cue. I tucked my daughter’s chair under the table for breakfast and encouraged her to say her grace before eating.“God is great . . .” she began the standard prayer.“God is good . . .”...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How to Have a Healthy Disagreement with Your Kid
May 28th, 2021
As your children grow out of infancy and further into childhood, disagreements will become a normal part of life. When you’re a parent, of course, this can grow quite exhausting! You may find that the...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
5 Tips for Co-parenting After Divorce
May 25th, 2021
From the Parent Cue If you’ve read any blog I’ve ever written about divorce, I always say the same thing at least once—no matter the circumstances surrounding your separation, getting divorced sucks.T...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
4 Fun Prayer Activities to Try with Your Kids
May 20th, 2021
From Getting children excited about prayer can be challenging. Images of people praying typically show someone standing calmly with their head bowed and eyes closed. That’s hard fo...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
How Do I Engage My Family in God's Word?
May 20th, 2021
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living…2 TIMOTHY 3:16...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
Making the Most of Family Time
May 20th, 2021
When you create safe spaces for your kids to play, experiment, ask questions, and most of all — to have fun with you — you build long-term trust and a deeper relationship. Here are some fun, easy acti...  Read More
by Mike Hurt
4 Signs Your Kid is Losing Confidence
May 10th, 2021
From the Parent Cue Kids seem to be born confident creatures. They have no problem expressing their needs (sometimes, quite loudly).They’re secure in their appearance (hello, polka dots and stripes).T...  Read More
by Mike Hurt