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3 Easy Steps to Building Better Relationships

If you’re anything like me, you often face a classic conundrum when it comes to how you’ll spend your time, asking: “Should I prioritize the important or the urgent?”

And, ya know, if you’re like me, urgent matters often win. Gotta get the kids out the door, dinner on the table, work assignment turned in. Log a few hours of sleep, wake up, and repeat again tomorrow.

But then, dare I say it, if you’re like me, you wake up some of those mornings and think, “This isn’t how my life is supposed to look.”

Okay that moment—right there—that’s the one. That’s the feeling we want to tap into today. That’s the prompting we want to heed.

After all, this isn’t how our lives are supposed to function day in and day out—running from one task to another, high-fiving folks as we pass them by, and wondering how we lost ourselves along the way.

We were meant to grow in relationship with each other and ourselves. To be known and loved for who we are and to extend this same grace to our close friends and family.

And so, prompting in mind, let’s take a few minutes to prioritize one of the most important, enriching aspects of life: our relationships. We’ll tackle this in three parts—but I promise it won’t take long.