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When we read the stories of Jesus in the Bible, we read of his encounters with people like you and me.  People who are scared.  People who love God.  People who are frustrated.  People who desire to honor God.  People who need Him.

Our Savior and Our Stress

When Jesus came for dinner, Martha thought she had no choice but to serve alone with much worry and frustration. Jesus reminds her that she does have a choice. Martha can spend time doing the one “needed” and “necessary” thing from which all else flows.    Keep reading.

Our Savior in the Storm

The story of Jesus calming the storms shows us God is with us even when we do not realize it. Jesus is in control. He is with us in the storms.  Keep reading.

Our Savior and the Sabbath

How refreshed would you feel if you took off one day every week? What if for 24 hours, you didn’t work, didn’t fret over cleaning or running errands, and didn’t feel the pressure to check items off your to-do list at the first sign of free time?  Keep reading.

Family Time Guides

Use these guides and spend time with God as a family so that you all grow to become like Jesus.

Series songs

Fill your playlist with songs that will encourage you to trust God and live for Him.