103 How sweet are your words
to my taste, sweeter than honey
to my mouth!  PSALM 119:103


The Bible is full of promises that we need every day of our life.  Some count over 6000+ promises throughout the entirety of Scripture.  Knowing the promises of God helps us hear His voice and follow Him with confidence.  Check out these 40 promises from God's Word and be encouraged!

10 Questions about heaven

Heaven. For many Christians, it’s a word filled with mystery and wonder. We talk about it, sing about it, and look forward to it. But what do we know about it? Is it just a vague, distant hope or a concrete reality? We need to get a clearer picture of heaven—not just for comforting thoughts about the future, but to transform how we live today.


From his power to his peace, or his presence to his courage, this reading plan offers verses, devotionals and prayers that will bring you closer to God through the scripture. This 21-day reading plan features passages from the NIV Once-a-Day Bible Promises Devotional, which highlights the promises that God makes in the Bible. 

God's promises in painful times reading plan

Too often, we turn to things of this world to take away our pain – things that leave us unsatisfied and hurt. In this 5-day Bible Reading Plan, you’ll discover the promises of God in the Bible that can comfort and encourage you when you’re experiencing pain and help you move forward with faith.