Summer is sure to be filled with fun, and family time, we also want to help you make your summer uncommon as you love the Lord with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength together!


School projects are done, take advantage of the time by doing a Bible reading plan together. 
The words we say to each other matter! Using video instruction, games, easy-to-understand messages, questions, and the Word of God, this devotional is designed to bring your family closer together and begin changing how you talk to each other. If you are looking for an easy way to start family devotions or work on your family talk, this is the plan for you.  START NOW
Enjoy this family devotional that leads kids to discover that they are created, loved, and blessed by God.   Each day focuses on one passage and one truth and includes a fun activity to bring the learning to life.  This is a great devotional for families with kids who are 3 yrs through kindergarten.   START NOW


Stay connected and keep growing this Summer by connecting to a group.
Join Pastor Kim for an in-depth look at the book of James.    Join us for Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM or at 10:00 AM on Thursdays.  Both studies will be held at Parkway Victoria.  Get more information by emailing Kim.
Stay connected and deepen your friendships over breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  These simple connection opportunities will encourage everyone who attends.  Get more information by emailing Becky.
Join Kelly Juett for a women's small group through the book of Revelation, "The End Times in Chronological Order." This group will meet in Room 201 at Parkway Victoria on Wednesdays from 11:30 PM to 1:30 PM.
Parkway Collegiate is the place where young adults connect in community, serve together, and discover Biblical truth.  Collegiate meets at Parkway Victoria and at Parkway Port Lavaca.  Whether you are home for summer or are in the Crossroads year round, we'd love to see you connect at Collegiate.

Parkway Victoria, Tuesdays 7:00 PM
Parkway Port Lavaca, Wednesdays 8:30 PM


Enjoy these personal growth resources do help you grow in understanding and discernment.
Knowing what you believe and why you believe it is of the utmost importance as you grow as a disciple.  That's why Ryrie's A Survey of Bible Doctrine is so helpful.  In this timeless work, Dr. Ryrie offers an easy-to-understand overview of the various doctrines of the Bible.  It is written especially for Christ followers who simply wants to understand what the Bible teaches on issues including:  what God is like, the inspiration of the Bible, the person of Christ, the person of the Holy Spirit, the angelic world, the nature and depravity of man, salvation, the church, and what the future holds.

To help you unpack and apply all that you are learning on Bible doctrine, Pastor Kim has created a video teaching series that coincides with Ryrie's work.  Start the series now.
Urban Legends of Theology surveys 40 of the most common misunderstandings of Christian doctrine. Some of the urban legends are cultural truisms that turn out not to be true; others are misconceptions of what the Bible and Christian tradition actually teach.  
 Author and theologian Michael Wittmer writes in an engaging and incisive manner, probing incorrect beliefs nearly every churchgoer has heard at one time or another.  Urban Legends of Theology corrects these misconceptions and offers a better alternative in each one’s place, guiding readers into the full riches and freedom of Christian theology rightly understood.    Buy the book now.


Dig into these articles to take your learning to the next level.


Make your plans to love God with everything you've got this Summer.  Check out how you can seek the Lord, serve the Lord, and have fun as a family.


This Summer, we will seek the Lord together at Worship Night.   We will have worship nights at each location.  Everyone is welcome to attend at all locations.  

We will be hosting worship nights at Parkway Port Lavaca on July 26 at 6:30 PM and at Parkway Victoria on August 27 at 6:30 PM.
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.” MARK 12:30-31